"Tithing" to Me...

One afternoon after completed my account voucher entrys, I took a break and read article written by Br. Benny Hinn  titled “Tithing” I just went though as a time pass, after reading, I thought to myself Tithing is not meant for me because I get so little salary which is not sufficient even to run my family and added to this I am a Social Worker who is working for HIV/AIDS patient in Rakshana Deepam for the last three years and more than this, how many talks, sermons and books I read and listen all those couldn’t change me will this article change me?  This is what in my mind, but in the depth of my heart I know that I should give 10% of my salary to church; but for my concisions level I feel it ok your doing so many good things to patients so this Tithing shouldn’t be any problem, in long and short of it, I want I ignore this conflicts for timing and go to the patients block for a visit. As I got up from my chair a thought flashed in to my heart and mind saying “God is your Father you have responsibility to give Him” after this thought I felt the deep relationship towards God as a Father and I was convinced that “All that I am, All that I have is His”


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