My Joy in sadness

When I was very young my father died, it was a big lose for my whole family as specially for my mother, but for me it was the happiest day that I ever remember because this day I got lots of money from my relatives.  The body of my father was laid in front of my house. There were hundreds of people gathered around him and cried and another side music and dance were going on, but I did not know why they cried and why the music and dance. Next to my father’s body my mother was sitting with my small sister and beating her head and crying, some people hugged me and cried, but for me no worry at all because I got what I wanted in that age that is money, some people gave me fifty paisa or one rupee as soon as I got it , I ran to the shop and bought some eatables and eat, with that I was very happy because I got so much of money for my snacks. For me my father’s death day was a feast day. I did not understand why so many people had come, why they cried and why they gave money? Because I thought my father was sleeping. Then in the evening some people cot me and tied white cloth around me and want me to walk around my father’s body with a pot on my shoulder with that I was so frightened and ran away from that place, but it was not over, some big man came after me and took me to do the same thing once again I started crying; because they want me to do something which I don’t want it. Than from next day the normal life started, no one is to give me money or hug that goes on till today. I wish nobody should feel or go through the same situation which I went through in my life.


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