Flow the footsteps of our Humble Master Jesus Christ.

As I was with Fr. Christuraj for last three years in Rakshana Deepam, I grow up spiritually under his guidance and my soul was happy in the Lord. But once I came down to Tamil Nadu, my spiritual life is changed and day by day I used to be frustrated and emptiness was coverd my soul. In this distressed movement how I wished that good sermon should draw me to the presence of God.  But whenever I went to the church I used get more frustrated and angry with the priest for their useless sermons. Then for some time I stopped going to Roman Catholic Church, during this time Sheeba’s Principal invited us to join CSI church, so we are going there for last three weeks and my spirituality came back to life and I could feel the presence of God in that community.
According to me every human being longs for the inner joy and peace, which only the Almighty can give through HIS Word to HIS servants. In order to receive such a power the servant of God should wait upon HIM. But most of the priests think that they know everything under the sun.  They don’t spend time with the LORD in prayer and come and speak whatever they want in the Holy Mass thinking that they have all the authority and power to speak, will this change any person’s spirituality? That’s why Catholic Church is not growing in the world. It’s high time for a Catholic Church to change their ways and flow the footsteps of our Humble Master Jesus Christ.


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